All posts by Ladee16

Unleash Your Full Potential: Empowering the Fire Within

I don’t know about you, but I have been reaching for that sweet spot in affiliate marketing for quite some time. I recently discovered a platform I wish I had found years ago. It would have saved me so much time and I believe it would have allowed to start making money much sooner in my journey.

In addition to providing you awesome built in tools,

A. It provides a community.

B. You can find other wonderful products to market in their market place.

C. You can develop your own affiliate program to be marketed by
yourself and others.

This platform will give a leg up to any a newbie, and also assist a veterans with new interventions to help you get the job done with ease. It isn’t just a great tool, it is also educational and offers a Certification Course to make you and expert and add another potential income stream with their platform.

Even better, create a free account for life. This is great and allows you to try it out before you commit to a paid account. Don’t sleep on this one if you want to take your affiliate marketing business level!

So You Want To Start A Business…

Starting a business can be a daunting task, but it can also be an incredibly rewarding experience. If you’re thinking about starting your own business, there are a few things you need to do to get started.

First, you need to come up with a business idea. This could be a product or service that you think people will want or need. Once you have a business idea, you need to do some market research to see if there’s a demand for it.

If you’re confident that there’s a market for your product or service, then you need to write a business plan. This document will outline your business goals, strategies, and how you plan to achieve them.

Once you have a business plan, you need to secure funding. This could come from personal savings, loans, or investors.
After you’ve secured funding, you need to set up your business. This includes finding a location, getting the necessary permits and licenses, and hiring employees.

Once your business is up and running, you need to market it to potential customers. This could involve advertising, public relations, or social media marketing.
Starting a business is a lot of work, but it can be incredibly rewarding. If you’re willing to put in the time and effort, you could be successful.

Here are some additional tips for starting a business:

* Do your research. Before you start any business, it’s important to do your research. This includes researching your industry, your target market, and your competition.

* Create a business plan. A business plan is a roadmap for your business. It should include your business goals, strategies, and how you plan to achieve them.

* Get funding. Unless you’re lucky enough to have the resources to fund your business yourself, you’ll need to find a way to get funding. This could involve taking out a loan, seeking investors, or crowdfunding.

* Build a team. No one can start and run a business alone. You’ll need to build a team of talented and dedicated people to help you achieve your goals.

* Stay focused. Starting a business is a lot of work. There will be times when you feel like giving up. It’s important to stay focused on your goals and keep pushing forward.
* Be prepared to work hard. Starting a business is not easy. You’ll need to be prepared to work long hours and make sacrifices.

* Be patient. Success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and effort to build a successful business. Be patient and persistent, and you will eventually achieve your goals.

Starting a business can be a great way to achieve your financial and personal goals. If you’re willing to put in the hard work, you could be successful.

Earn While You Learn

Here it is, this is what you’ve been looking for. This is how you will earn while you learn. A product that truly does what it says.

I’ve been in the Internet Marketing game for a decade now. I have learn by trial and error. I even tried to create this training ground on my own with no success. Wealthy Affiliate has done it. It is the place for Newbies and Professionals alike. I even learn better ways to do things. I only wish WA had been around when I started, life would have been a whole lot sweeter. Don’t take my word for it. Take WA for a spin, it’s free, forever but they do have a membership version. Trust me, you will want to upgrade, however, there is no rush and there is no pressure. What are you waiting for? Click the image below and get started on your new world.

How to Optimize Your Images for SEO

Creating SEO friendly images is simple to do, yet many website owners neglect this valuable source of search engine traffic. To make it even more simple, WordPress has some great tools built-in to help you optimize your images, and you use the All-in-One SEO Pack to maximize your optimization.

The most important thing to know is that while people can see your images, search engines cannot “read” them. They can only read the words in the tags and titles you give your images. Therefore, these are the areas you want to attend to when adding images to your WordPress site.

Two points to keep in mind:
• All images should have ALT and TITLE attributes defined. This is the image equivalent of the doc title or meta-description for the page.
• Image filenames should have a relevant name, ideally with a keyword in it. For example, an image file of “logo.jpg” might make sense to you, the website owner, but it won’t mean anything at all to a search engine. “SemperPluginsWordPressPlugins.png” is a much more descriptive, and relevant, filename.

Next time you add an image to a WordPress page or post, remember to give the image file a relevant name and fill in the spaces provided for ALT and TITLE tags. Depending on how many images you have on your site, you may want to go back and at least complete the ALT and TITLE tags.

And if you really want to go all out with your search engine optimization, the All in One SEO Pack plugin for WordPress is the #1 most downloaded WordPress plugin. Upgrade today to All in One SEO Pack – Pro Version and receive access to personal support, advanced updates, and no advertisements.


Winning Like A Boss

Everyone wants to win. No one wants to be left behind, yet, we do not do what we need to to get to where we want to be. One thing we miss is how important it is to think like a winner. What are your goals and objectives? Do you just want to make (more) money, or do you want to be fulfilled on a deeper level? Whatever your answer, if you think it and believe it, it is so.

Every dream begins with a thought. The more you think about, the more likely you are to take the necessary steps (do the work) you need to take to get there.

The mind is the most powerful tool in the universe, but making it work for you takes practice. You must continue to use your power of positive thinking until it becomes a habit. Dreaming is great as long as you add action to it. Everyday do something, take at least one step that gets you closer to your ultimate goal.  This is you investing in you. Don’t wake up at some point and think, if only I had… Life is short, but, as long as you have breath and ability, it  is never too late to make your dreams a reality.

To assist you on your quest, I have started a series of eBooks, the first of which is currently available on Amazon Kindle. The title is Winning Like A Boss, Make Power Moves by Developing a Power Mindset. In this first installment, you will get an overview of what developing a Power Mindset looks like. In future installments, these factors will be expanded to give you a clearer understanding. These principle are for business, but can also be used fr any aspect of your life. I am writing to women in particular, however, anyone male or female can benefit from the principles discussed. I hope you will check out the book and let me know how it benefits you by leaving a review. Please let me know what points make sense to you as well as what you would like to delve deeper into. This will help guide me into the next installment. You can follow this link to get to the eBook. Good luck on your quest.

Surround Yourself With People You Want To Emulate

As entrepreneurs, we have to find ways to keep ourselves motivated. It’s true that you take on the traits of those you associate with;  as successful as they are because birds of a feather flock together. If you want to be successful and stay motivated you most be sure to connect with that type of people you want to be. For instance, if you want to be the best real estate agent, find the most successful agent you can and network with them. It calls for a little time and research, but you can do it. Of course there are those folks who cross our path organically, these are my favorites.

These folks get it, they live their lives out loud. Their always reaching out to help others. They usually have a story and their story is always inspiring. I have been fortunate to have a few of them in my circles. They are sent by God at exactly the right time and always, always leave  in you a better place than before the entered your realm.  They are usually dynamic and shine as bright as any star. They never try t sell you, they just share their knowledge and just by a conversation with them you feel re-enforced,re- energized. Sometimes, they just ask “What can I do for you?”  I live to meet these people.   I pray that I am one of them.

I was talking with my daughters, and one of them  mentioned a comment an associate of hers had made about me. It was such a great feeling to know someone admired what I do and what I stand for. I learned long ago to not bombard folks with all the information about myself. I enjoy getting to know about them and then offering a collaborative idea t help the both of us. This is the first step to becoming successful; help as many as you can because in essence, you are helping yourself.

So, improve your skill set, think as successful people do, let others share their story, help as much as you can, share your own story, watch the company you keep and stay on your path. Most importantly, stay positive.

Articles For Entrepreneurs

Here are some articles you might find useful:

3 Lies We Tell Ourselves About Entrepreneurship
A Rigid Mind Blocks Success. Try These 5 Strategies for Fearless Leadership

The 3 Functions You Should Consider Outsourcing

When to Make Your Startup a Full-Time Commitment
Old-School Travel Agents Stage Comeback
Getting Paid To Travel? Here are 8 Travel Careers You Can Begin From Your Home
How to Avoid Getting Ripped Off While Traveling
50 Random Facts About  Gold
The 5 Best Ways to Invest in Gold